The Lord’s Supper
And He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body, given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you.
Luke 22:19-20
Fellowship & Refreshments
Complimentary tasty treats plus hot coffee and even sweeter fellowship, now featuring the newly renovated Uplifted Coffee Bar. Our coffee not only tastes delicious- we are delighted to help change lives of those in Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala and rural Africa by partnering with HOPE Coffee. HOPE Coffee helps provide better education, medical care and food plus are sharing the love of Jesus Christ with these communities- praise God!
Sunday School
Our play area is equipped for even the youngest including baby toys, push & pull toys, a complete pretend kitchen set, books, toy animals and so much more! Every toy is sanitized after use and cleanliness is top priority. A separate quiet area is available for napping infants, nursing mothers and diaper changing including a sound machine, cribs and cozy rocking chairs.
The Pre-K/Kindergarten class is going through the Abeka curriculum about the life of Paul. The study is rich in illustrations to give the children visual teachings from the Bible along with thought provoking reflections.
Our high school/junior high Sunday school class meets to study God’s word every Sunday morning. Young people in grades 7 - 12 who are interested in learning about the Lord Jesus Christ and God's Word, the Bible, are welcome to join us in the downstairs Sunday school room behind the baptistry.
We are currently studying the New Testament book of Philippians and discovering how to have the joy of Jesus. The world tells us to seek happiness in life, but God's word speaks of joy, a quality of life which brings inner confidence and rest no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. The book of Philippians will be our guide this fall and winter to uncovering the definition of Joy and the secret to having it.
We occasionally incorporate art, games and activities to help learn and apply the Bible texts. Our current memory work passage is Philippians 2:5-13.
The Adult Sunday School class is digging deep into the book of Joshua. Join us for thoughtful discussion and relevant application as we explore God’s faithfulness and plan in the Old Testament.
Everyone is welcome to join our ladies' Sunday school class! We have a wonderful time of studying God's word together, and it is also a special place of connecting with each other, praying together and for each other, and a safe place to share our joys and sorrows. We are currently starting a study on 1st Peter by Jen Wilken.
Family Bible Hour
“ that in all things He may have preeminence...””